Who we are
Our website address is: https://www.rosalbamancuso.com. It belongs to journalist Rosalba Mancuso.
This website collects information when you fill voluntarily the contact form. We don’t use this information to send spam, but only to reply to your requests. Your information is protected and never revealed to third parts. Other information can be collected through the cookies of the browser, when you accept them during your first visit. You are free to reject them, choosing this option before navigating this website.
Responsible for processing personal data
In charge of processing and protect your personal data is Rosalba Mancuso. In accordance with the current privacy law, you can ask us to delete or modify your personal data and information at any moment.
Data protection in compliance with GDPR and CCPC
We keep in high count your personal data and always protect and keep them safe in order that they will never reveleated and given to others, neither private, nor commercial contacts. We stored them in protected files and we are the unique responsible of their storage and treatment. You can always ask to change the settings of your personal data or to delet them from the above mentioned files. Thank you.